Find out from our amazing staff about their experience of working at Special Needs Care.
Here are a few of our frequently asked questions answered by our team.
What do you enjoy most about your role?
How did your career start within Special Needs Care?
What advice would you give to anyone looking for a career in care?
What would you say about the training and development at Special Needs Care and the experience you need for the role?
Active Support Workers
We want compassionate, caring, and dedicated individuals to join our team in full- or part-time positions.
Active Support Workers help people gain independence by making choices, participating in everyday activities, and making friends both at home and in the community. This incredibly important contribution enhances the lives of the people our services support.
Strong person-centred values are essential, Prior experience is less important as full training is provided whether you are new to the sector or not.
Senior Active Support Workers
For those with potential and looking for additional responsibility, we have positions that combine direct involvement with the people we support and a role in first-line supervision and leadership.
This could be a long-term position for a prospective post-holder or an opportunity for those wanting to progress in the health and social care sector to gain experience of leadership with support from their manager.
The role involves being a champion of Active Support and Positive Behavioural Support. These opportunities are fulltime. While previous experience in a support role is essential, those new to supervision and leadership will benefit from training and support.
Waking Night Active Support Workers
For some people, twenty-four-hour care means twenty-four-hour support. Active Support waking night workers contribute to maintaining the consistency of support and assistance for people with complex health, behavioural, and social needs.
These roles combine consistency of support with flexibility in responding to people’s stable and emergent needs. The important role involves working throughout the night to ensure each person remains safe and well and has a good quality of life.
Full and part-time positions are available. Previous experience is desirable but not essential as full training and support are provided.